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Strategy Execution

Your company has just spent time discussing where it is headed, set lofty visions for the next 1-5 years, and now the real work begins. 


New systems. New markets. New Customer goals.

Reduced overhead/expense goals. New or enhanced features.

Whatever it is, you are now faced with the reality of moving from strategic planning into the details of HOW to get there AND how to get there amidst the need to keep business going. So often handling the day to day will consume your staff's time and energy, leaving the strategic vision on the sidelines not making the progress you need and want.


ProjectForward can help your organization stay focused on your strategic efforts alongside the important business operations. Using project and portfolio management tools, change management approaches, visual data and storytelling, and our ability to engage leadership and staff at all levels, your strategic vision can become realized.

Project Management & Project Recovery

Project Management

If your effort has a planned beginning and end and it is not your routine business effort, you have a project on your hands.  Can your current staff handle the added work? Does your team have the skills and confidence to effectively move the project through its phases to successful completion?  If the answers to these questions are "no", "I don't know", or "I'm not sure", you may want to consider supporting your team by offering them the supportive resource of a project manager to facilitate an effective process and allow them to better balance the day to day while supporting this important initiative.

Our project management services can remove the burden of the planning and administrative oversight to your project that is so critical for success, and allow your talented people to focus on their areas of expertise to keep the day to day going and contribute fully to the project.

Project Recovery

Sometimes projects get started, but then go off the rails due to the loss of a key stakeholder or resource - or perhaps organizational strategy has changed - or a technology snafu has made things more complicated.  Sometimes we just get in over our heads. Whatever the reason what happens next is what becomes important. Recovering the project and recasting the scope, resources, timeline, and re-engaging the team is critical to bringing the project to a new definition of success.  

Our team will work to quickly assess the situation, develop a new plan and timeline and re-engage your resources to pull the efforts back on track.

Research and Analytics

You have business questions that you need answers to, but it is not always clear how to get them answered. Our Research and Analytics services can help.



Maybe you have data but need help visualizing or interpreting in a meaningful way to help drive decision-making. 


Our team has experience working with data to help build stories, dashboards, and reporting from your information. We will work with your team to help dig into what is important to be measured and help build the process for lasting meaningful measurement.


Need to better understand your market? Your customers? Your competition?

Our team will work to design and conduct qualitative (focus group, in-depth interviews, secret shopping) and/or quantitative (surveys) research studies on your behalf and help you to process the results into actionable results towards your business development efforts.


Depending on what you are seeking to better understand, we will utilize primary (conduct a new study) and secondary (using existing resources) sources to help bring greater knowledge and understanding to your team.

Interim Leadership

Losing key leadership can cause significant disruption to your business.  You need to maintain the day to day operations and provide support for the team. Meanwhile you need time to recruit a replacement and/or time to consider if there is another path that makes sense. Frequently the pressure of keeping things going prevents the opportunity to step back and consider any changes that make sense and/or holding out for the right fit.


ProjectForward team members have all held significant leadership/management roles throughout our careers, and can help keep your business/department running smoothly during your staffing transition. Allowing you the space and time needed to do the thoughtful work you need to find the right fit and strategic next move. 

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